SPHEROTM AccuCount Particles


The SPHEROTM AccuCount Particles are designed to be used as reference particles with known number of particles per mL for counting the absolute cell number by flow cytometry. The SPHEROTM AccuCount Particles are very easy to use and are cost effective. The AccuCount Fluorescent Particles are fluorescent in FITC, PE and PE-Cy5 channel. Both AccuCount Fluorescent and AccuCount Blank (nonfluorescent) Particles are available in various particle sizes to accommodate the size of the cells to be counted. In addition, Spherotechalso manufactures the AccuCount Rainbow Fluorescent Particles and AccuCount Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles for detection in more fluorescent channels.

spherotech accucount blank
spherotech accucount blank

Product Description

Regulatory StatusRUO
Storage Conditions2-8° C
Product LineResearch
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Assays for cell counting using flow cytometry and calibrated fluorescent particles are rapid and accurate. The single platform method that enumerates T-cells by counting the identifier cells in either a precise known cell volume or an internal ‘spike’ of a known number of calibrated fluorescent particles by flow cytometry is simple and efficient (1). These assays allow the counting of T-cells during anti-T-cell globulin treatment of cardiac, lung, and renal transplant patients (2). In addition, laboratories can determine the absolute count of CD4 and CD8 Tcells to estimate HIV disease progression with the single platform method (3). Calibrated fluorescent particles and
flow cytometry are also used to count platelets in a wide range of murine models of platelet disorders (4). It is also possible to count other various cell types with flow cytometry and calibrated fluorescent particles.

The accurate quantitation of cells in blood is crucial for precise determination of treatment procedures during clinical care. Flow cytometry and calibrated fluorescent particles have improved cell counting methods over predicated methods. In the past, multi-platform methods were used to quantitate T-cells.

The conventional multi-platform method uses cell marker percentages from the flow cytometer and white blood cell count, percent lymphocytes, and absolute lymphocyte count from a hematology analyzer to enumerate T-cells in blood. Substantial variations in data have resulted between different laboratories using multi-platform methods.

These variations are due toan error created in each independent measurement which multiplies at consecutive steps during calculations. It is assured that the single-platform CD4 and CD8 T-cell determination technique is an acceptable alternative to the multi-platform method. Single-platform assays using a known number of reference particles resulted in significant and substantial improvements in laboratory-to-laboratory and within-laboratory precision over multiplatform methods for T-cell enumeration (1).


AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 5.0-5.9µm, 5mL
ACFP-50-5 5 mL
EUR 108.5
Description: Flow Cytometry Particles For Absolute Cell Counting
AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 7.0-7.9µm, 5mL
ACFP-70-5 5 mL
EUR 108.5
Description: Flow Cytometry Particles For Absolute Cell Counting
AccuCount Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 8.0-12.9µm, 3mL
ACRFP-100-3 3 mL
EUR 122.5
Description: Flow Cytometry Particles For Fine Tuning Cell Sorters
AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 25.0µm (+/-2µm), 2.5x10^6/mL, 1mL
ACFP2.5-25056-1 1mL
EUR 70
AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 32µm (+/-2µm), 2.5x10^6/mL, 1mL
ACFP2.5-30056-1 1 mL
EUR 70
Description: Flow Cytometry Particles For Absolute Cell Counting
AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red,10.0µm (+/-1µm), 2x10^7/mL, 1mL
ACFP20-10056-1 1 mL
EUR 52.5
Description: Flow Cytometry Particles For Absolute Cell Counting
AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 15.0µm (+/-2µm), 5x10^6/mL, 1mL
ACFP5-15056-1 1 mL
EUR 56
Description: Flow Cytometry Particles For Absolute Cell Counting
AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 20.0µm (+/-2µm), 5x10^6/mL, 1mL
ACFP5-20056-1 1 mL
EUR 59.5
Description: Flow Cytometry Particles For Absolute Cell Counting
AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 7.0µm (+/-1µm), 5x10^7/mL, 1mL
ACFP50-7056-1 1 mL
EUR 52.5
Description: Flow Cytometry Particles For Absolute Cell Counting
AccuCount UltraRainbow Calibration Particles, 25µm(+/-2µm), 2.5x10^6/mL, 5mL
ACURFP2.5-250-5 5mL
EUR 227.5